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Low Acid Coffee Pre measured to make it easy on you
Tiemans Medium Fusion - Ground (Office Coffee)
Our Price: $38.47
18 qty - 2.25 oz Packs
Tiemans Dark Fusion - Ground (Office Coffee)
Our Price: $42.75
18 qty - 2.5 oz Packs
Designed for office and commercial use, Tieman’s offers our Medium Roast in portion packs. Our High Yield grind, designed for commercial brewing equipment provides a deep flavor extraction. Low Acid ph 5.84%. Caffeine content 68.66 mg per 8oz. Designed for office and commercial use, Tieman’s offers our Dark Roast in portion packs. Our High Yield grind, designed for commercial brewing equipment provides a deep flavor extraction. Low Acid ph 5.97%. Caffeine content 71.11 mg per 8oz.